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Sick or injured wildlife

Napa Wildlife Rescue

Napa Wildlife Rescue (NWR) is the only organization in Napa County that is permitted to rescue, rehabilitate, and release wildlife back to the Napa wild. NWR is a non-profit organization and operates under permits from the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

NWR accepts all species of Napa County wildlife that are orphaned, injured, or sick, except for black bears, mountain lions, and full-grown deer (they do rescue and care for fawns).

  • Leave rabbits and fawns alone. Young rabbits and fawns are usually left alone by their mothers, who don't want to attract predators to their baby. They come quickly in the evening and early morning to feed them, then keep their distance. 
  • Contain baby birds found on the ground below nest boxes. Most nesting species, such as tree swallows, bluebirds, and barn owls leave the nest box able to fly. If you find them below their box, they need to come in for care. Depending on their health, we may try to renest them back in their box, so take a picture and a note where they came from!
  • Enjoy watching foxes, coyotes and skunks. These species love culverts for den sites. You may see young animals in the day playing around the opening to their den as they get older and have a lot of energy! Please call us if babies start to follow workers around or beg from them, or if babies are lying listless outside their den. 

If you have any questions about if a particular animal is well, don't hesitate to call 707-224-HAWK (4295) for additional assistance



Napa County Animal Services

The Animal Services Unit of the Napa County Sheriff’s Office strives to provide professional animal control services to the community, wildlife and domestic animal issues.
