North Bay Food Systems Advisor
Cooperative Extension Marin County1682 Novato Boulevard
Suite 150-B
Novato, CA 94947
(415) 473-2708

Also in:
Sonoma County
Mendocino County
Napa County
Julia Van Soelen Kim is the North Bay Food Systems Advisor serving Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. Julia holds a Master of Science in Community Development and a Master of Public Health, both from UC Davis. Her work at UC Cooperative Extension in the North Bay focuses on the viability, sustainability, and equity of regional food systems. Her efforts are directed at strengthening the connections between farmers and consumers by supporting the viability of small-scale and diversified agricultural production and expanding access to affordable local food.
MS Community Development, University of California, Davis. 2013
MPH Public Health, University of California, Davis. 2012
BA Sociology, University of California, Davis. 2005
Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Community Insitutions, Health, and Social Services
- Community Development
- Marketing and Distribution Practices
- Food and Society
- Building Regional Markets
- Community Food Security
- Food System Assessments/Policy
- Urban Agriculture/Local and Regional Food Systems
- Sustainable Food Systems
Peer Reviewed
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Lamoureaux, Yulia, et al. (In Press). The impact of COVID-19 on CalFresh and Market Match spending at farmers markets. California Agriculture.
- Hyde, Glenda; Rohlman, Diana, et al. (2023). 5 Steps to Healthy Produce During Wildfire Smoke. September 2023.
- Chiarella, Cristina; Lamoureaux, Yulia, et al. (2023). A preliminary assessment of food policy obstacles in California’s produce recovery networks. Ariculture and Human Values. 40, 1239–1258. March 17, 2023.
- Surls R, Bennaton R (2023). Urban agriculture in California: Lessons learned from an urban farmer workshop series. California Agriculture. 77:2, 57-62. September 8, 2023.
- Lamoureaux, Yulia; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2023). Using Virtual Delphi Method Focus Groups to Conduct Participatory Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Extension. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference Proceedings.
- Sitaker, Marilyn.; Kolodinsky, Jane, et al. (2020). Evaluation of Farm Fresh Food Boxes: A Hybrid Alternative Food Network Market Innovation. Sustainability. 12:24.
- Greco, Lauren; Kolodinsky, Jane, et al. (2020). Farm Fresh Food Boxes: Relationships in Value Chain Partnerships. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 9:4.
- Pires, Alda F.A.; Kukielka, Esther A., et al. (2020). Survey of Farmers Market Managers in California: Food Safety Perspectives. Journal of Extension. 58:5. October.
- Feenstra, Gail; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2020). Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers markets. Urban Food Systems Symposium.
- Smith, Diane; Wang, Weiwei, et al. (2019). Perspectives from the Field: Adaptions in CSA Models in Response to Changing Times in the U.S. Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland, MDPI AG. 11(11):3115. June 2019.
- Galt, Ryan E.; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2019). Retaining Members of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in California for Economic Sustainability: What Characteristics Affect Retention Rates? Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland, MDPI AG. 11(9):2489. April 2019.
- Gupta, Clare; Campbell, Dave, et al. (2018). Food Policy Councils and Local Governments: Creating Effective Collaboration for Food Systems Change. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems. 8:B, 11–28. October 17, 2018.
- Galt, Ryan E.; Bradley, Katharine, et al. (2016). "What difference does income make for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) members in California? Comparing lower-income and higher-income households." Agriculture and Human Values: 1-18.
- Galt, Ryan E.; Bradley, Katharine, et al. (2015). "Eroding the community in community supported agriculture (CSA): competition’s effects in alternative food networks in California." Sociologia Ruralis
- Galt, Ryan E.; Parr, Damian, et al. (2012). "Transformative food systems education in a land-grant college of agriculture: The importance of learner-centered inquiries." Agriculture and Human Values Volume 30(Issue 1): 129-142.
- Conner, David S.; Nowaka, Andrew, et al. (2011). "Value Chains for Sustainable Procurement in Large School Districts: Fostering Partnerships." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development Volume 1(Issue 4): 55-68.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- MacDonald, Camille; Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2023). Marin Food Policy Council Policy Platform on Older Adult Nutrition. April 2023.
- Grady, Suzanne; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2023). Meat, Dairy, & Eggs Program Report — Expanded Nutrition Incentives at Farmers Markets. March.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2023). Newly formed North Coast Emergency Food Systems Partnership leverages lessons learned from past disasters to prepare for the future. Sonoma County Farm Bureau. June 1, 2023.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Enright, Mimi (2021). Building New Regional Food System Partnerships: Opportunities for Local Producers in Emergency Food Systems. Sonoma Marin Farm Bureau News. August 4.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2021). Community-Engaged Research to Expand the Customer Base of Farmers' Market Shoppers and Increase Farmers' Sales. Sonoma Marin Farm Bureau News. February.
- Klein, Lauren; Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2021). Marin Community Garden Infographics. Marin County.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Tobiasson, Wendy, et al. (2021). Urban Agriculture Policy Guide. 12/31/2021.
- Klein, Lauren; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2020). A Garden for Everyone: Tales of Marin's Community Gardens. Marin County.
- Raditz, Vanessa; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2019). A Community Guide for Assessing the Potential Health Impacts of Locally Grown Produce Exposed to Urban Wildfire Smoke. Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. Santa Rosa, CA, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Bennaton, Rob; Enright, Mimi, et al. (2019). Best Practices for Produce Safety After a Fire. Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. Santa Rosa, CA, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. October 2019.
- Bennaton, Rob; Enright, Mimi, et al. (2019). Community Science Curriculum Toolkit. Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. Santa Rosa, CA, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. October 2019.
- Raditz, Vanessa; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2019). Final Report: Cumulative Risk Assessment of Local Produce Exposed to Urban Wildfire Smoke. Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. July.
- Gupta, Clare; Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2019). Food Policy Councils are Emerging as a Model to Address Gaps in Local Policies. UC ANR Knowledge Stream. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. June 7, 2019.
- Enright, Mimi; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2019). Post Fire Food Safety Research. UCCE Sonoma Blog. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. March 18, 2019.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Enright, Mimi (2019). Post-Fire Food Safety. Sonoma-Marin Farm News. Sonoma-Marin Farm Bureau. November 2019.
- Smith, Diane; Greco, Lauren, et al. (2018). Farm Fresh Food Box: An Innovative New Business Model in Rural Communities. Rural Connections. Western Rural Development Center. 12(1), 25-28.
- Raditz, Vanessa; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2018). Preliminary Report: Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. Produce Safety after Urban Wildfire. June.
- Raditz, Vanessa; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2018). Produce Safety and Smoke. UCCE Sonoma Blog. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Novermber 28, 2018.
- Borgeson, Phina; Enright, Mimi, et al. (2018). Sonoma County Emergency Food Response Gathering – Summary of Findings and Recommendations. Sonoma County Food System Alliance. August 2018.
- 4. Gupta, Clare; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2018). UC Cooperative Extension Study of California Food Policy Councils. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. September 2018.
- Smith, Diane; Becot, Florence, et al. (2017). Farm Fresh Food Boxes: Increasing Food Access in Rural Communities through New Markets for Farmers and Retailers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 49:7. July 1.
- Gershon, Becky; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2016). Equitable Access to Healthy and Local Food in Marin County: Report to the Board of Supervisors. Marin County, UC Cooperative Extension.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2016). "Food Safety Tips to Bring Home to Your Farm or Garden." Grown In Marin News Summer 2016 Retrieved 2/14/2017, 2017, from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Enright, Mimi M. (2016). Gleaning Wisdom in Sonoma County. UCCE Sonoma Blog. Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma. 2017:6/22/2016.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Trotter, Vince, et al. (2016). Local Stories on Agricultural Diversification: Farmer video interviews. Novato, California.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2016). "Stories from the Field - Live!" Grown in Marin News Spring 2016 Retrieved 2/14/2017, 2017, from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2015, July). "Building Trust and Community with Honor System Farm Stands." Grown In Marin News from
- Gershon, Becky; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2015). Equitable Access to Healthy and Local Food in Marin County. Preliminary Report on Policy Priorities to the Board of Supervisors. Marin Food Policy Council. October.
- Smith, Rebecca; Van Soelen Kim, Julia, et al. (2015). Marin Voice: Too many lack easy access to healthy food. Marin Independent Journal. April 6.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2015, May). "Wholesale ahead." Grown In Marin News from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2014, April). "A Showcase for Local Products: Cooper's Public Market." Grown In Marin News from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia; Harris, Amina, et al. (2014). California Cottage Foods. Honey. May.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2014). Farmers and Food Artisans Gather for a Taste of Possibilities to Come. Sonoma Marin Farm News. December.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2014). Innovative Programs in the San Francisco North Bay Help Urban Farmers and Backyard Gardeners Legally Sell Their Harvest. UC ANR Urban Agriculture Website. September 10.
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2014, July). "Not just delicious, local food can be affordable, too!" Grown In Marin News from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2014, October). "Urban Agriculture is Growing in Marin County." Grown In Marin News from
- Van Soelen Kim, Julia (2013, January). "Building a More Sustainable Food System: An Organic Food Co-op in West Marin." Grown In Marin News from
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Urban Agriculture - Member