Presentation Day
Presentation Day Information
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 9:00am
Location: Vintage High School
Registration DUE: February 7, 2025
Registration & Resources
Registration for Presentation Day 2025 is available HERE!
For more information and guidelines on Presentation Day, view the 4-H Presentation Manual (revised January 2021).
ADDENDUM: UC 4-H Presentation Manual 2025
Please review the additions to the UC 4-H Presentation Manual for 2025 Presentation Events in the Addendum. It details what is appropriate content for 4-H presentations and how disqualifications will be handled if presentations are not 4-H appropriate.
Sample Presentation Videos:
Guidelines for All Presentation Formats
Evaluation & Awards: If you receive a Gold or Blue award at County Presentation Day, you may participate in the Regional 4-H Presentation Day. Primary members (ages 5-8), and teams who include a primary member, cannot be evaluated nor awarded and may not participate in State 4-H Presentation Days (Regional rules in terms of primary member participation vary). Mixed-aged teams with primary members may opt to enter their presentation a second time, without the primary member’s participation, to be evaluated and potentially eligible to continue to regional and state 4-H presentation events without the primary member.
Setup & Equipment: You are responsible for supplying and setting up all equipment for the presentation. Each room has a table, easel, whiteboard, outlets, and digital projectors - no need to request these. Presenters are responsible for all other equipment, such as laptop computers, speakers, cassette/CD players/radios, etc.
Age Groupings: Members of teams and group presentations (excluding those with Primary members) will be evaluated using the age of the oldest team member.
Appearance: Clothing should be neat, clean, and appropriate for the presentation being given, but the 4-H uniform cannot be required. Costumes
may be worn for any presentation format.
Multiple Presentations: There are no stated limits on the number of presentations you may enter at a county or regional 4-H presentation event; however, due to capacity and resource constraints and scheduling logistics, event coordinators may limit the number you may present. At the state 4-H presentation event, you may only enter one presentation and also participate in a Share the 4-H Fun skit. You need to carefully consider how many presentations you may realistically do at the same event; we recommend one presentation per member and a team member on a share the fun or cultural arts presentation.
Presentation Formats
Brown Bag (Primary Members Only)
Similar to an impromptu speech.
It is a brown paper bag with 4-5 items in it (ex: spatula, bowl, cookie sheet, pot holder, flour). The member receives the bag and has 3-5 minutes to prepare a talk about the items. For example, with the items above, it could be a presentation on how to make cookies. They use the items as props while they talk.
Demonstration/Illustrated Talk
A demonstration:
- is doing.
- is showing how. As you show how, you tell how.
- is where you make something or do something. There is a final product.
An illustrated talk:
- is telling how with the aid of visuals.
- is where you use charts, posters, photos, computer programs, slides, pictures, models, or cut outs.
- Each presentation should have clearly identifiable sections including an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Speakers are strongly encouraged to relate the presentation to their current 4-H project work or 4-H activities or spark.
Science or Engineering Presentation
- Science: focuses on making sense of the world by constructing knowledge
- Engineering: focuses on finding suitable solutions to problems by weighing design choices
Educational Display Talk
- Organized visual presentation of a program or a concept
- A display should be designed to convey its message in a limited amount of time
Informative Prepared Speech
- Speaker writes and delivers their own speech
- Speaker will inform or educate the audience on a single issue or topic
Persuasive Prepared Speech
- Purpose is to sway, convince, and influence, not simply to argue
- Speak to persuade. Address both sides of the argument.
Impromptu Speech
- Involves speeches that the speaker has developed themselves at the Presentation Day within a three-minute preparation
- The topics will be developed from the pre-announced categories for the event
Interpretive Reading
- Speakers may read any published written work that is age appropriate and acceptable for use in a public school classroom
- Examples may include: children's stories, poetry, essays, speeches, articles, and excerpts from novels that stand alone
Share the 4-H Fun Skits
- Groups perform acts such as skits and other presentations that focus on health, safety, community, pride, citizenship, science, engineering, technology, or other 4-H projects
- Presentation must include a topic surrounding 4-H
Cultural Arts
- Individual participants or groups, projects and clubs, perform a costumed dramatic reading, musical, dance, or other such performing art